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The Listening Program


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Auditory Processing

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Using TLP

Your Certified Provider
Melissa East

The Honeybee Difference

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Results and Testimonials

Real Life Results from our customers in the first eight weeks of TLP

If you would like to read only testimonials, please see our list of user and professional testimonials.

 Age Diagnosis / Symptoms and Changes


age 5


Results: Better at transitioning, improved socialization, less anxious, able to fall asleep easier. Gentler with people and animals, more touching/hugging, increase in vocabulary, improved sentence structure, improved social interaction, correct pronoun use.

Comments from Pam Honey, Mother: "After several days I noticed he became more sensitive to feelings and was more affectionate than usual. He seemed to have better sentence structure and his sentences were more detailed.

Noah, boy,
age 4 ½

Diagnosis: Developmentally Delayed; Profoundly affected in speech

Results: Improved on App-R (Assessment of Phonological Processes-Revised) from ‘profound’ and highly unintelligible even to familiar listeners (4 mos. prior to program) to ‘moderate’ – generally intelligible to all listeners (during 5th week of TLP). Improved enunciation. Made friends, kicked ball, rode a bike and ran - all firsts! Posture improved dramatically (hunched to straight back) as well as improved color. More patience with siblings. Did not need instructions repeated. Less hyperacousis. Started dressing himself. Increased affection and motivation. Held his breath when he went underwater in pool (a first). Interested in learning about things outside of ‘cars’. Improved memory (remembering names, promises, and schedules)

Comments from Heidi Stevens, Mother: "“The Listening Program has been an exceptional miracle for Noah, who wasn’t speaking more than one-word utterances prior to Melissa administering The Listening Program. Eight weeks later, Noah is at age level with his speaking... His friends enjoy being around him more as his peer interaction skills have greatly been enhanced. He doesn’t hit or act out. He verbalizes his needs. He’s no longer frustrated. His sense of humor has really taken off; he’s a very happy little boy…While Noah was on The Listening Program he learned to ride a bike as well as run and kick a soccer ball.”

age 87

Diagnosis: Hard of Hearing; Speech Reception Threshold right ear: 30 dB, left ear 55 dB

Results: More mindful listening to music, bridge playing improved, more lively notes in voice, remembering more dreams, locating reading glasses 100% of the time. Moving shoulder and knee better. Heard some higher tones in ‘bad’ ear towards the end of program.

Cally, Girl,
age 10

Diagnosis:Auditory Processing Disorder; Problems in attention, comprehension and math skills.

Results: Improved independence, reading aloud, taking initiative, sentence structure, short and long-term memory, interaction with adults, talking, sense of humor, self-confidence, organization, focus, motivation, auditory sequential processing, math and reading skills. Relaxed face and body. Asking questions (younger sister even commented on this), more helpful (offering to do more around house). Needs one hour less sleep each night. Less ‘clingy’.

Comments from Mother of Cally: “The things I noticed most were that she was more independent, and she had more self-confidence. She was more responsible… My friend noticed that Cally would sit close to her, that she was more talkative and willing to volunteer information. Before, when Cally was asked a question, she could just say “yes” or “no”; now, she will elaborate a lot more and just seems a lot more confident in speaking to people. When you’d make a joke or explain something, she really got the gist of it and she would ‘get it’ faster. She seemed to be focusing more and showed improvement in social interactions. She’s also speaking more clearly. Cally was remembering names better and her observation skills improved. She really loves to read now and I don’t know if that’s directly from the program, but I notice she does pull out a book and start reading without me having to ask her to do it. She does it for fun, not just for school."

age 38

Diagnosis:Diabetes, history of ear infections, stress, communication issues with family and clients.

Results: Tinnitus less intense/softer. Blood sugar levels improved. Open communication and ‘moments of reality’ with mother who passed away during seventh week of her program. Let her emotions show to friends for the first time.

age 11

Diagnosis:Down Syndrome, Developmental Delay, hypersensitive hearing

Results: Alternated her feet stepping down stairs for the first time. Demonstrated increased patience with siblings, and independence at school. More creativity in expressive dance. Less wiggly. Asking more questions. Improved vocabulary.

age 4

Diagnosis:Sturge-Weber disease, ADD, Tourettes, CAPD, visual impairment in right eye. Partial complex seizures, Dyslexia, underdeveloped nervous system

Results: Sleeping better, waking up on time for school, no complaints of headaches. Calmer with people (not as argumentative or defensive). Less overwhelmed. More loving – hugging mother often. Less dramatic, doing chores without being told. Younger brother got along better with her. Less anxious, more respect for adults.

age 46

Diagnosis:High functioning adult

Results: Improved mood, more energy, greater tolerance to stress.


age 13

Diagnosis:CAPD, failing grades, nervous, not involved with school

Results: Making new friends (from the ‘smart’ bunch), took charge as Patrol Leader. Participated more in class. Volunteered reading out loud in class. Better short-term memory. More responsible and willing.

age 48

Diagnosis:Hypoactive, distractible, slight hearing loss, tinnitus both ears

Results: Greater tolerance to stress. Improved tinnitus, better organization.

age 35

Diagnosis:Depression, symptoms of ADD;

Results: Started taking Paxil during week 1 of program. Improved communication, social interaction, frustration tolerance, acceptance and organization. Reading more, completing tasks, more eye contact. Relaxed face & body and more calm. Aware of small sounds (leaves moving across driveway). Appropriately angry, self-confident, assertive voice, thinking before acting. Less distracted, irritated, anxious and tense. Less overwhelmed by daily tasks.

age 6


Diagnosis: Sensory Integration disorder, CAPD, articulation and vestibular problems, Hyperactive

Results: More mature tones in voice, enjoys singing (a 1st), improved balance and rhythm. More positive attitude and self-confidence in self. Improved handwriting & ability. Hyperactivity no longer issue in school. Interest in learning to read and sounding out words. Greater sense of humor than before TLP. Calmer - didn’t need ‘drum beat’ before bed anymore. Improved clarity of voice and tolerated fireworks for first time.

Comments from Linda Smit, Mother of Ian“: He enjoys singing (never enjoyed singing before). TLP has improved his sense of balance and rhythm. Ian has a more positive attitude and self-confidence in himself…His handwriting and drawing ability has also improved. I still have some major work to do in keeping him focused at school, although his hyperactivity doesn’t seem to be an issue this year. He is also more interested in learning to read and sounding out words. Ian has become more of a joker and has a greater sense of humor than before the program.”


Diagnosis:Autism, Severe (ATEC) Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist

Results: Started getting up on his own from the first week of the program - up to one hour earlier than when his mother used to have to ‘drag’ him out of bed. This alone made such a difference to the start of their day. During last week of program he left the house on his own (previously phobic about palm trees next door and resisted leaving house), got on his bike, circled in the driveway then took off down the road – all firsts! His mother had to go after him in her car and now has to worry but says it’s an appropriate worry. Before, he would never want want to ride his own bike (preferred to ride with Mom or Dad on theirs) even though he knew how. Able to wait in lines for 10-15 minutes at Disneyland.


age 6½


Diagnosis:Autism, Moderate to Severe

Results: More affectionate with his father, even started initiating play with him. More calm and aware, better listening. Initiated eating fruits and vegetables for first time. Better articulation; emphasizing the sounds (especially endings) in words. Calm and happy most of the time now. Attending to movies for 10 minutes. Improvement on ATEC (Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist): 29% in Speech/Language, 35% Sociability, 33% Sensory/Cognitive Awareness, and 380% in Health/Physical/ Behavior. Mom highly recommends for kids with Autism or PDD Disorder.

Comments from Mother of John: "A few weeks after we started The Listening program with John, he was able to calm himself down easily when he was stressed out. His listening, following directions & (performing) tasks improved. He started trying to eat different foods that he didn’t want to try before. I highly recommend this program for any kids with autism.”

age 65

Diagnosis:High functioning adult

Results: Stronger, more rhythmic breath. Wants to eat more in first part of day and less at night. Noticing sounds she wasn’t aware of before. Improved attention span at work. More sensitive to voice tone. Increased frustration tolerance, no longer reacting to things that used to disturb her. After going through her second 20 hours/8 weeks of TLP she was amazed at her efficiency and productivity at work, even (or especially) when the amount of her work increased. She can now work through her day instead of needing to leave early when she would ‘burn out’.

Woman, age 36

Diagnosis:Problems in attention, socialization, distractibility, memory, following directions, alphabetizing, visualization.

Results: Sleeping better, more relaxed, improved mood. Breathing more deeply. Less irritable, reactionary, anxious and overwhelmed. Increased frustration tolerance. More concentration, organization and resiliency. More energy, fewer mistakes at work. Increased self-confidence, less defensive. Starting to produce visually. Feeling grounded and ‘normal’ for the first time. Improved rapport with others. Feels ‘on top’ of things’. Coworkers being nicer to her.


Diagnosis:Petite Mal Complex Seizure Disorder, Adopted from Russia, Depression

Results: Discharged from Neurologist and Psychiatrist. Happier, better at remembering names and items like her coat. Improved coordination (no longer bumping into glass doors), math, spelling and reading skills. Increased frustration tolerance, asking questions, eating smaller portions, disappearance of headaches and feeling ‘awake’ upon waking up each morning. More: communication with friends, upright posture, independence, motivated, responsible and patience with sister. Mother credits TLP for disappearance of seizure disorder.

Comments from Mother: “The Listening Program has made many changes in my everyday health, emotionally as well as physically. I have fibromyalgia syndrome and I am usually in pain somewhere in my body and often feel “like I was hit by a Mac truck.” During the program I initially felt as much or more pain as I usually have. However, as the program progressed, I found myself more relaxed, restful and with fewer headaches and less pain. I became more aware of my self, my actions and my relationships with my family members. I have now been off TLP for sometime and I know my overall health suffers from this. I still listen to the relaxation CD (Sound Health Series) once a day and work on lowering stressful areas of my life. I will continue to repeat TLP and fully credit it with resolving my daughter’s seizures and helping her with her learning disabilities.”


Diagnosis:Tinnitus, ADD, anger, jealousy, interrupted sleep

Results: Sleeping better than ever – more rested and sleeps through night. More productive - effortlessly completed backlog of documentation on clients. More aware of anger and jealousy. Executing steps in Tango lessons that were ‘beyond’ him before. Less agitated - handling stress 100% better. Resilient. Improved listening of self. Loss of fear. Improved listening of others. Less self-centered, more generous and happy.

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