Accolades from our customers and marketing rep's! Irene - Pet lover, Lancaster, MA I've been a customer of this awesome company for 13 and a half years. I came only because I wanted the chemicals out of my home. Chemicals killed my dog. I fell in love with these products. they work great and cost less than what I was already spending, it was a no-brainer. I have a healthy home now... then I realized this was a way to get paid for something I was always doing for free, recommending great products and services. This is a way the average consumer can be paid simply because we love these products and I am willing to give my opinion ,and tell others. I have been paid over and over for work I did years ago , never once selling products. I pinch myself every month when my thank you referral check comes in the mail.. there are no headaches of traditional business, and no risk. This is a business model that works. 
John and Cherri, Executive directors, Minnesota I spent 16 years in the computer industry, owned a Health Club and also a Computer Consulting Business. My health club business put me in bankruptcy after 3 years, the computer business was a lot of work with long hours and a major risk. I always wanted to find a business that I could run from my home and be successful. I wasn't interested in the typical MLM Business or anything similar to that. This business has allowed us to create a lifestyle that I only dreamed about. My wife and I are both able to work from home and not worry about the commute to work, the JOB, or having a boss control our future. It has been amazing what we have been able to accomplish by helping other people reach their goals. We both have been working from our home since 2001 and able to generate a healthy 6 figure income each year. We have been able to have time to spend with family, friends and really make a difference in other people’s lives. If you are the type of person who wants to have more time and create a lifestyle that allows great income, great fun, and the ability to help others achieve their goals you should take a hard look. I cannot tell you how grateful we are about having this type of business that allows this type freedom. 
Charlene - Mother of 2, Arlington, MAI’ve been in Corporate America my whole adult life, working full-time as an Executive Recruiter. Like most professionals in this field, I found myself on a roller coaster ride of feast or famine starting from scratch each month with no real stability! After having our second child and more in debt then ever, my husband and I realized we needed to find another way to create additional income for our family. “The definition of insanity, keep doing the same things and expecting different results!” Everything you need to start your own business and succeed is right here. We simply plugged into everything our Success Coach told us to do and they trained us completely in every aspect of what we needed to know. Within a couple months, committing 5-10 hours a week, we’ve created an extra income that pays our mortgage and is paying down our debt at the same time! In the past six months alone we’ve added an extra $19,000 to our family’s income just for sharing our experiences and recommending better and safer products. How great is that?! Best of all, we now have piece of mind that we found the right vehicle to obtain our dreams! This company allows the little guy to the CEO an opportunity to create a six figure income with no risk! What are you waiting for? Everyone needs a plan B! The easiest thing we could have done would have been to have heard about this opportunity and do nothing (which I almost did). We decided that we would take charge of our situation and took the initiative to learn more! Today, we are so glad we did! Especially driving around in our New 2007 Jeep Commander the company pays for! 
Beth - Grandmother of 7, Harvard, MAI've been a customer for 14 years. Due to their exceptional line of nutritional supplements, my husband has been able to lower his cholesterol naturally by 100 points. In fact, neither me or my husband are on any medications, and that's the way I want to keep it. My husband is extremely sensitive to the caustic materials used in grocery store brand cleaning products and use to suffer tremendously, getting nauseous when I cleaned, he actually would have to leave the house. Since using this more naturally derived product line, I saw a huge improvement, not only can he stay in the house but he helps me clean once in a while! Naturally, I started to recommend these products to friends and family, on a very part-time bases, watching our monthly income grow every month. We recently made a commitment to consistently refer others to this wonderful product line and for the last seven months we've averaged $3,500.00/month. The best part is it's residual. I know that with a little effort on our part this income will continue to grow. This company has it right. Our customers love our products, they use them and keep coming back to shop here month after month! It's will-able and I feel good knowing that I can will it to my grandchildren. Most of all, I am glad we won't have to rely on social security or place the burden on our children to support us! |