|  CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle method that encourages your body’s natural healing process to release stresses on your central nervous system. It helps detect and correct imbalances in the craniosacral system that may be the cause of sensory, motor, or beurological dysfunction. With CranioSacral Therapy, the therapist works gently with the spine, the skull and the fascia. This allows the therapist to ease and relax the bones of the spine and neck while easing and removing restriction restrictions the misalignment placed on the nervous system. This allows the nervous system to function as designed. This treatment can be effective for Tempomandibular Joint (TMJ) dysfunction, Fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders, Scolios, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, migraines, headaches, and chronic neck and back pain. |    |