"Multi-page" Web Sites What is a Multi-page Web Site?A typical small business web site is a "multi-page web site". A "Multi-page web site" features a professionally designed graphical appearance as well as multiple pages of web content. When building a multi-page web site, we will work with you to define your marketing goals and develop the content that your customers need to find at your site. The custom graphical look will coordinate with your existing business graphics (if you have a logo or "branding" now) or we can develop a new look for you. Who needs a Multi-page Web Site?Most small and medium sized business need a Multi-page Web Site in order to present their basic business information to their customers. Multi-page sites provide your customers with all of the basic information they need about your products and services as well as how to contact you. Multi-page Web Sites help bring more business to your door. Businesses with high volumes of information to present to their customers may want to consider a Data Driven web site for increased flexibility and reduced costs. Businesses that need to collect large amounts of information from their customers should consider a Transaction Based Web Site. At Fast Lizard, we will work with you to develop a custom solution that implements whatever features you need from these various web sites so that you can provide your customers with the features they need. Multi-page Web Site Features: Professional graphical design
Multi-page web site with each page custom crafted with content
A well organized and well structured site that makes it easy to find your content
Email links or simple forms to collect basic information from customers
Multi-page Web Development Examples:Most of our web development work involves Multi-page Web Sites. You can view examples of a variety of types of business' sites on our Samples page. |
Please note: This web package, like all web packages,
requires you to register a domain name and purchase web hosting from us (preferably)
or another firm. See our Domain
Registration and Web Hosting overview for more information.