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The Listening Program


How it Works

Auditory Processing

Science & Music

Modular Design

Using TLP

Your Certified Provider
Melissa East

The Honeybee Difference

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Sound Health


Music for Babies

Music for the Mind

Additional Resources

Listening Checklist

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Does TLP come with a guarantee?

TLP does not come with a money-back (except on defective CDs) or benefit guarantee. Most listeners will observe positive changes within their two supervised cycles of TLP. Due to the far-reaching impact of the program, changes are likely to occur that were not first identified as goals; this is one of the nice surprises of TLP!

How often do I need to repeat TLP after going through the initial two cycles?

For your first experience of this program it is recommended to go through TLP once and repeat once or twice, without a break, for optimum benefit. TLP can be repeated for as long as there is a need for intervention. It is beneficial to revisit an auditory training program, such as TLP, once a year at minimum. Research shows that benefits will peak 2-9 months after program completion and continue up to one year, when they appear to plateau.

I would like to start right away but we will be away on vacation next month. Should I wait to start the program?

The new design of TLP Classic allows greater portability with a soft case, carrying handle and lighter weight guidebook. With a base listening schedule of just thirty minutes/day, five days a week, you can easily maintain your listening while keeping up with the extra activity in your vacation.

How old do you have to be to experience TLP?

The minimum age requirement is two years of age.

Do I need to return the CDs after you take me through two cycles?

The program is yours to keep and there is never a fee to repeat the program. This is an wonderful advantage over previous auditory programs such as Tomatis where you need to pay each time you go through the program.

I’m thinking of starting my child on speech therapy (or other therapy) at the same time as starting TLP. Do you recommend waiting or can I start both at the same time?

While TLP has proven itself to be an effective tool by itself, the benefits can be even greater when coupled with specific interventions such as occupational therapy, counseling, or speech therapy. Please discuss with Melissa any current programs you are on or that you are considering starting while you or your child is going through TLP. You may want to wait until you’ve completed a cycle of TLP alone before introducing a new therapy or tool just so that you can isolate the source of benefit.

I have another family member who I think would also benefit from going through The Listening Program™. What would this cost for you to take them through their own program?

The charge for Melissa to support an additional family member going through TLP is $100. Sometimes a family who has gone through the program several times will want to share the program with a family member who lives outside of their home, or with a friend. In this case I ask that at least one person in that household purchase a service agreement ($200) and sign a Consent of Use form. Please consider that the replacement costs for both CDs and equipment can be costly. You may want to have an agreement in place between yourself and the borrower to cover any costs should unforeseen damages occur.

Does TLP have subliminal messages played through the music?

No, there is nothing in the program’s music designed to ‘trick’ your brain. The music and nature sounds have been intentionally recorded and produced to include the full spectrum (20-20KHz) of frequencies that our ear and brain can perceive. The music is designed to alert the mind while relaxing the body. Many clients have credited TLP with helping them achieve deeper states of meditation.

Can TLP harm my child?

TLP was designed for safe and effective home use under the supervision of an Authorized Provider and when used in accordance with listening guidelines and direct parental supervision. If your child exhibits signs that the program is too stimulating (increase in emotional or behavioral problems), you are just a quick phone call or email away from Melissa who can make modifications that will have positive effects, usually within one day. Due to the nature of auditory stimulation, you may see more of a behavior or a return of an ‘extinct’ behavior on the way to balance. This is a sign that neurological reorganization and changes are taking place, and is actually a wonderful sign that the program is having an effect.

Answers to common questions.

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